One word that could sum up Still’s life and work could very well be “integration.” Integration-of musical styles and influences, of races and cultures – was actually Still’s explicit byword at least from around 1949. Mural by Noni Olabisi, the William Grant Still Art Center, Los Angeles, CA: “William Grant Still conducting his powerful operatic score, with his spiritual “eye” in the middle of his forehead, which expresses the need for a new era of interracial understanding, loving-kindness and God-consciousness on the earth.” From. OctoWILLIAM GRANT STILL: “WE ALL RISE TOGETHER OR WE DON’T RISE AT ALL” (part 5 of 5) (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Wind Ensemble (PYWE) & Percussion Ensemble (PYPE).Attendance Policy Basics and School Music Expectations.