
America the beautiful carmen dragon program notes
America the beautiful carmen dragon program notes

America the beautiful carmen dragon program notes

One word that could sum up Still’s life and work could very well be “integration.” Integration-of musical styles and influences, of races and cultures – was actually Still’s explicit byword at least from around 1949. Mural by Noni Olabisi, the William Grant Still Art Center, Los Angeles, CA: “William Grant Still conducting his powerful operatic score, with his spiritual “eye” in the middle of his forehead, which expresses the need for a new era of interracial understanding, loving-kindness and God-consciousness on the earth.” From. OctoWILLIAM GRANT STILL: “WE ALL RISE TOGETHER OR WE DON’T RISE AT ALL” (part 5 of 5) (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Wind Ensemble (PYWE) & Percussion Ensemble (PYPE).Attendance Policy Basics and School Music Expectations.

America the beautiful carmen dragon program notes